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Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux #1 Grey 10Lb. Non-Fluormaterial Dry Method Part# - 01-1716-69
1 EA
Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux #2 Yellow 45 Lb Dry Method Non-Flors. Materials Part# - 01-1732-87
1 EA
Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux #8A Red 10 Lb Non-Fluoresent Particles Part# - 01-1780-69
1 EA
Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux #8A Red 45 Lb Dry Non-Fluorescent Material Part# - 01-1780-87
1 EA
Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux 14A 12-Oz. Aqua-Glo Aerosol Premixed Part# - 01-1725-78
1 CS (12 CAN = 1 CS)
Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux 14A 27Oz. Redibath Concentrate Part# - 01-9130-41
1 CA (6 EA = 1 CA)
Chemicals Lubricants & Paints Other
Magnaflux 14A Powder Florescent Magnetic Particle Ma Part# - 01-0130-75
1 PA (20 LB = 1 PA)
Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux 14A Powder Fluoresent Magnetic Particle Powder Part# - 01-0130-57
1 EA
Janitorial Equipment Other
Magnaflux 14A Redi-Bath 1 Gallon Part# - 01-9130-35
1 CA (4 GA = 1 CA)
Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux 14Am Bath Case/Aerosol Cans 1Ca=12 Aerosol Cans Part# - 01-0145-78
1 EA
Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux 20B 15-Lb Fluorescent Preblended Mag Dry Mix 14A Part# - 01-0179-70
1 EA
Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux 20B 1-Lb Fluorescent Preblended Mag. Dry Mix 14A Part# - 01-0179-71
1 EA
Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux 20B Preblended Dry Mixmag Particles 30 Lb Cont Part# - 01-0179-84
1 EA
Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux -57 14A Powder Flor Magnnetic Particle Ma Part# - 01-0130-71
1 EA
Leak Detectors & Penetrants
Magnaflux 7Hf Case Of 12 Aerosol Cans Part# - 01-1580-78
1 CS (12 CN = 1 CS)
Magnaflux Daraclean 282Gf-Ap Alkaline Cleaner Part# - 01-6010-45
1 DR (55 GA = 1 DR)