Tri-Flow 12-Oz. Tri-Flow Food Grade Oil Aerosol Part# - Tf230101
Part Number: TF230101
Weight: 1.053 lbs
Country of Origin: UNITED STATES
Minimum Order Qty: 1 CA (12 CN = 1 CA)
Features: AntiSeize with P.T.F.E SYNTHETIC OIL ISO 68 (Aerosol) | AntiSeize with P.T.F.E SYNTHETIC OIL ISO 68 (Aerosol) | AntiSeize with P.T.F.E SYNTHETIC OIL ISO 68 (Aerosol) | AntiSeize with P.T.F.E SYNTHETIC OIL ISO 68 (Aerosol) | AntiSeize with P.T.F.E SYNTHETIC OIL ISO 68 (Aerosol)
Sprayon-Tri-Flow TF230101 AntiSeize with P.T.F.E SYNTHETIC OIL ISO 68 (Aerosol)